Tuesday, November 15, 2011


finally getting back to my normal routine. lots of questions about my experience from friends, co-workers, etc. all of them make me think of what we accomplished while in haiti. the situation there will not change overnight, but being able to help 500 families who lost almost everything is a pretty good place to start. it will take time, money, and lots of work to get haiti back on track, and i plan to be a small part of that.

i made some great new friends in haiti. it is nice to know so many people are willing to sacrifice just a little of their time and energy for such a great cause. to my new friends from broward county habitat (and beyond, you know who you are), thanks for welcoming me into you group. It made my time there even more valuable. to linda, you were a great leader, with not the easiest task. to the irish folks from haven partnership, thanks for the great food and drink, and for just being irish. to my other friends and co-workers, thanks for the experience; it is one i will never forget. to the carter family and habitat, thanks for the opportunity; you do amazing things. and lastly, thanks to the haitian people for being such gracious hosts. i will never forget the smiles and waves, particularlly from the children. i am already planning for my return trip in 2012! attached are a few more of my favorite pics from the weeks. feel free to share if you like!

all the best,


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